1.The company also said the drink, like all its products, can be part of a healthy diet.
2.This seems like a healthy diet for an animal who will produce the milk that you and your family will drink.
3.UK experts said the research showed nuts were an important part of a healthy diet, but warned against eating nuts covered in sugar or salt.
4.In many cases, the guilt is unfounded as it is possible to maintain a healthy diet that consists of both raw and processed foods.
5.People are often surprised to hear that even things like cookies, pizzas and the occasional cake can be included in a healthy diet.
6.As studies have come out promoting chocolate as a supplement to a healthy diet, the chocolate diet has come out as well.
7.Trans fat does not appear at all in the pyramid, because it has no place in a healthy diet.
8.However, some of the causes of gout can be overcome through the means of a good, healthy diet.
9.In Europe, he said people were currently eating 70% more meat and dairy products than they needed for a healthy diet.
10.But if you can find delicious, healthy food, it's easy to stick with a healthy diet.